— institutional, pro bono, prefab

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for The Catherine Houghton Arts Center

Our Catherine Houghton Arts Center at The White Mountain School had a ribbon cutting ceremony a short time ago, and Will Ruhl was honored to be holding one half of the amusingly oversized scissors. Outside the thermometer was hovering close…

— institutional, in construction, pro bono, prefab

A New Arts Center for The White Mountain School, Part III

Since our last blog post on the new art studio building that we designed for The White Mountain School in Bethlehem, NH, there has been some dramatic progress; not as much as the aggressive original schedule called for but amazingly…

— institutional, in construction, pro bono, prefab

A New Arts Center for The White Mountain School

A lot of progress has been made since our last blog post on the new art studio building we designed for The White Mountain School in Bethlehem, NH. General contractor and prefabricator Bensonwood Construction Company produced all of the Permit-related…

— prefab, in construction

Small Project, BIG Impact

When we were approached by the talented landscape architecture team at Reed Hilderbrand to assist them with a small architectural intervention in a much larger landscape design we were instantly intrigued.  Their plans for the residential property already included several…

— in design, institutional, pro bono, prefab

A New Arts Center for The White Mountain School

We’ve been hard at work on the design of a new art studio building for The White Mountain School in Bethlehem, NH, this winter and are happy to be able to share the new design with you. We previously mentioned…

— in design, institutional

School Building, Architect’s Eye

I was recently asked to comment on what the keys to a successful school building project are, by Educational Directions Incorporated. EDI is an international independent school consultant, and they published my comments in their newsletter, The Trustee’s Letter.  I…
