— Uncategorized, institutional, pro bono, Special Project

Net Positive Arts Center

Our office has completed a number of residential and institutional projects designed to achieve net-zero status through the integration of a roof-top photovoltaic system as well as comprehensive energy-saving strategies. Our largest net-zero project to date is the Catherine Houghton…

— in design, institutional, pro bono, Special Project

Red Siskin Initiative

The Red Siskin is a tiny (10cm long) bird that is highly endangered in its native Venezuelan habitat due to a century and a half of massive illegal trapping and trading. We are proud to be a part of the…

— institutional, pro bono

Design Award for Educational Facilities

We’re thrilled to share that we have won a 2016 design award from the Boston Society of Architects for excellence in educational design, a design awards program open to architects world-wide for educational facilities in New England or New York.…

— institutional, pro bono, prefab

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for The Catherine Houghton Arts Center

Our Catherine Houghton Arts Center at The White Mountain School had a ribbon cutting ceremony a short time ago, and Will Ruhl was honored to be holding one half of the amusingly oversized scissors. Outside the thermometer was hovering close…

— institutional, in construction, pro bono, prefab

A New Arts Center for The White Mountain School, Part III

Since our last blog post on the new art studio building that we designed for The White Mountain School in Bethlehem, NH, there has been some dramatic progress; not as much as the aggressive original schedule called for but amazingly…

— institutional, in construction, pro bono, prefab

A New Arts Center for The White Mountain School

A lot of progress has been made since our last blog post on the new art studio building we designed for The White Mountain School in Bethlehem, NH. General contractor and prefabricator Bensonwood Construction Company produced all of the Permit-related…

— in design, institutional, pro bono, prefab

A New Arts Center for The White Mountain School

We’ve been hard at work on the design of a new art studio building for The White Mountain School in Bethlehem, NH, this winter and are happy to be able to share the new design with you. We previously mentioned…

— institutional, pro bono, studio

Another Award for our Hawai`i Wildlife Center!

We were thrilled to learn in late November that Architect magazine had honored our Hawai`i Wildlife Center on the Big Island of Hawai`i with an honorable mention in their Annual Design Review Awards program. However, we had to wait until…

— houses, waterfront, studio, pro bono

Two More Design Awards!

We were thrilled to learn this week that two of our projects have received 2012 design awards from the Boston Society of Architects and the American Institute of Architects New England.  The winning projects are: The Hawaii Wildlife Center, which…

— houses, institutional, pro bono, lofts, waterfront

Three BSA Design Awards!

We’re honored to have been notified this week that three of our projects have received 2012 design awards from the Boston Society of Architects.  The BSA hasn’t announced the particulars yet, but we’ll post again when we know more! In…

— pro bono

The 1% (No, not that 1%!)

We are proud members of the 1%, but before anyone gets upset, we are not talking about vast, personal wealth (au contraire!), but about the program founded in 2005 by Public Architecture with support from a grant from the National…
